Follow What You Preach

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Being a recluse, I spent the lion’s share of my days at the school library reading whatever I could find. Sometimes, however, I’d pick up something remarkable and read it behind the school building, where I could be by myself for as long as I wanted.

Kids my age didn’t have the guts to come out here because of the adjacent forest. Although the school grounds were separated from it with a wire fence, the denseness coupled with the rumours of ghost sightings made it a challenge to be near.

The only people I ever saw here were from the class above me puffing on swiped cigarettes. They were pretty cool and laid-back, to be honest. They let me hang out here as long as I minded my own business and didn’t bother them.

It was one of those days were I was reading a peculiar book behind the school and was having a great time, when my life turned upside down in a matter of minutes.

The school grounds were blanketed in hills of snow and the older kids weren’t around due to the frost.

The book I borrowed was about some weird people who did some, well, questionable things – like bathing in blood to stay young – and so I was too into what I was reading to take notice of my surroundings.

Then… I heard it. An airy scream for help. I broke off. But whoever it was went quiet and silence settled upon the vicinity.

Had the strange scream not ticked me off and disturbed my concentration, I’d think it was my imagination. But I knew it wasn’t.

I made up my mind to return to the school library and read there instead when another muffled scream reached my ears.

It came from the thick forest. But I didn’t have time to process what was going on or what could be going on. As soon as the scream let up, approaching footfalls took over.

With bated breath, I cowered behind one of the waste containers near me. A kid jumped over the wire fence and returned to the school grounds, followed by another kid.

They were laughing their heads off. I recalled the first guy, but the other was an unfamiliar face. The first thought that crossed my mind was that he was an outsider and not a pupil here.

Even though I realised that something was off and that I needed to call for help, I didn’t. I wasn’t sure about what I heard – or thought that I heard. There was only one way to find out.

I set out into the forest to find the source of the mysterious scream. Upon scanning the denseness ahead, I couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary.

There was nothing here. Nothing that could explain the scream or what those two guys were doing in the forest.

By the time my curious eyes landed on something on the damp ground, I wasn’t sure what exactly arrested me.

Like a lump of rock in the middle of nowhere, something lay on the muddy soil somewhere to the right of the main trail. My eyes grew narrower.

A boy lay on his stomach. His trousers were pulled down to his knees and his boxers were ripped in the middle. His legs were covered in blood. Someone raped him. Maybe those two guys I saw earlier. I had to call for help.

I turned around and was about to leave when the moribund kid grabbed my ankle. Startled, I fell on my buttocks and tried to kick the boy off only to hit him in his head.

He passed out. His dirty nails dug into my skin. I broke free and ran out of the forest.

The next thing I knew was the sound of laughter coming closer. I retraced my steps back to the main trail but tripped over my own feet while running away.

The two guys saw me in the act and dragged me back to the raped kid.

As they took turns raping him, they forced me to look, and I… felt weird. I was getting hard.

At one point, I locked eyes with the poor thing and saw tears well up in his bloodshot eyes.

I turned my head away, at least, I tried to. When they were done, they forced me to relieve myself in front of them, took pictures, and then threatened me into silence.

When the teachers announced that a guy named Josiah had gone missing, I didn’t say a word. I couldn’t.

I heard he was an effeminate kid and that the boys in his class bullied him due to this. He was only a year older than me.

Even though I had not seen it with my own eyes, I knew that those two guys had done something to him.

I later learnt that their parents were wealthy and prominent figures in the financial world. The headmaster was paid to ensure they graduated with full marks and without a single blemish on their reputation.

Then one day, those two guys approached me as I was reading a disturbing book yet again behind the school. Guffawing like the monsters they were, they called me a faggot and dragged me to the forest and pulled my trousers down.

I knew where this was going. I should’ve been afraid, scared witless and pleaded to be let go. But I didn’t.

Homophobes should follow what they preach. So I ripped out their limbs bit by bit with the knife I hid under my shirt, careful not to leave any fingerprint, and then penetrated their insides with the blade before they turned stiff and cold.

Now they weren’t so damn loud and much different from faggots like me.

The End.

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